Sunday, September 5, 2010

Food to Keep you Fueled

So I have been craving this wild rice salad that my mom used to make and I didn't realized how much I took for granted the midwest and their awesome foods! I have bought wild rice twice recently at two different grocery stores and it is amazing because they have 1 kind, no variety and it is soooo expensive. I may have to have someone from back home send me some wild rice because this is ridiculous!
Anyway enough with my ranting! I decided to add a few things to the original recipe and take some out, ok I only took out one ingredient and that is the peas. I did added a purple pepper and some chives.

My husband made a nice dressing but you can use store bought italian if you are so inclined.

Here is the finished product ingredients are
  • wild rice (chilled)
  • grape tomatoes cut in half
  • celery
  • onions
  • chives
  • purple pepper
  • marinated artichokes
  • dressing, something of the italian variety.
I made a batch of this and it is great as a side dish or a lunch and lasts in the refrigerator! It also has a great amount of fuel and I used this to work on my new garden.

We are going to have a fall garden including spinach, lettuce (a few kinds), potatoes, garlic and some parsnips. We should get a small harvest from the leafy greens before it frosts and everything else will be in the ground ready for the spring, at which time we will fill the rest of the garden beds with our favorite vegetables.

I need to get the seeds in this week and in order to do that, we need to get more dirt as we are using raised garden beds. I am amazed at how quickly we executed this project as I had only just seen the garden that inspired me to do this:

I saw this garden on a walk last week and fell in love! I can't wait for next year when I can get it all laid out.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eating Right-How to make Carrot Juice

Today I am on my 9th day of my 21 day cleanse and it is going surprisingly well! My doctor said I could have meat 3 days ago but I haven't had a chance to pick up anything fresh and grass-fed. Yes I said grass-fed, I learned about this type of meat 10 years ago while working at a restaurant in denver, co and really noticed that it made for a much better burger (and way more nutritious). While all of this type of beef and free range chickens are widely available in some places, it isn't in others! I love minnesota for the fact that there are so many co-ops in and around the city. Here in mass not so much, so we have done some research and it looks like you can set up delivery from farmers to have different cuts of meat come to us! Still have some more stuff to look into but will probably post some of the more helpful websites I find in this endeavor.

I decided to make fresh carrot juice because I am so sick of carrots and I had a bunch left. Basically what I did is I took the carrots and chopped them in the blender.
then you add hot water to get the good stuff separated from the not so good stuff, leave stand for about 15-20 minutes.
Then strain the chunks of carrot out, at this point you would normally add a few oranges but I had a bunch so I added a bunch.
Pour it into the jars and throw them in the fridge. Shake before using as it does separate a bit.

This is one of my amazing smoothies that I added the juice to. If you can name 6 of the 12 ingredients you will win a $15 itunes certificate, just post your answer in the comments and don't forget your email address. Only 1 winner!
