Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Over the years I have collected a lot of bookmarks of different designers, resources, technology and I frequent them at least monthly, if not weekly and some daily. So I thought I would start sharing these blogs with all of you out there and my goal is to share daily. I am sure there will be some that you have heard of and others you haven't. Some of these are new to me as I ventured into the twitter world and found like minded individuals. I am racking my brain as to whom I have followed the longest and I can't remember so here are a few that I have followed the longest.

CreativeTech Types-a great resource for any designer, mac owner or tech nerd.
Creative Bits-this blog is great because you can post things and get feedback and they have a variety of articles regarding design and what is going on in the design world.

I will continue to roll these out and add them to blogroll as I write about them.

1 comment:

North Cyprus said...
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