Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Woah how the time fly's

I spent the previous six weeks getting the house in tip top shape and ready to sell! Started back up at my contract job and am actually enjoying sitting on my butt all day with a walk at lunch! Hopefully I can get caught up on some much needed rest, the body is a wreck having fallen a couple of months ago and cleaning and moving stuff!

Anyway I am spending the morning relaxing in my super clean well organized house doing nothing for the first time in months. But since I have been extremely intent on organizing and always moving around doing something, I still feel like I should be doing something while relaxing...So I decided to work on getting my inbox cleaned out as it has a ridiculous amount of data in it. Using gmail has been super helpful, being able to batch label and the different filters have allowed me to half the amount of emails I have in my account. If you don't have a gmail account you really should have a gmail account!


Samy Seitensprung said...

I like your daily business :-)
And I really think about having a gmail account, I'm going to take a look at it.

Jessica said...

Samy I highly recommend get a gmail account as it comes with google docs which is super helpful for daily tasks.
